How to use air conditioning systems economically to save money

How Much Does Air Conditioning Maintenance Cost

An air conditioner is a beneficial investment as it is a multi-purpose appliance that can both cool and warm indoor spaces throughout the year. While it is great to fit your house and commercial properties with air conditioning, it’s essential to figure out how to use it economically as you could end up saving a considerable sum of money on your energy bills.

How to use your air conditioner economically?

When establishing how to use air conditioning economically, there are a few key factors to take into account. Keep reading as we discuss and explore simple ways that you could keep your electricity bills low and reduce your energy consumption saving you money on your monthly service bills.

With the recent hike in rates of energy bills in the UK, we hope this blog helps you to figure out how to use your air conditioner economically and save money.

How to use your air conditioner economically

Let’s dive right in and get started on how you can use your air conditioner efficiently throughout the year. Here are our general tips and tricks!

Always use AC Controllers or Smart Thermostats

While smart thermostats are an additional cost, investing in one can significantly help you decrease your energy bills! A smart thermostat helps save energy due to its automation and intelligent features, which detects when you are at home or away and your preferred temperature. By monitoring all these, the smart thermostat can efficiently maintain the best room environment for you and your family.

Are you looking for the best energy-efficient air conditioners in the UK and smart thermostats? Give us a call or visit our website to browse through our wide range of air conditioning and thermostats! We are one of London’s most trusted air conditioning companies with years of experience installing ACs in commercial and domestic properties. Talk to one of our experts to install your home with an energy-efficient air con.

Change your air conditioning filters frequently

One of the best ways to use your air conditioner economically is to ensure that the filters are regularly checked and changed. It is essential to check the air filters of the HVAC system often so that the filters are always clean. A dirty filter can significantly increase your energy consumption.

How often do you need to change the filters? It depends on the size of the household, indoor air quality, and the type of filter. We recommend you get an expert technician to service the unit. Regularly changing the filters not only extends your aircon’s lifespan but also helps keep your electricity bills low.

Call us now or request a call back on our website to get your ac units installed and maintained by the best! Our qualified team of experts have years of experience installing, maintaining, and repairing air conditioning systems in Surrey and London.

Use the best thermostat settings for your air conditioning systems

Did you know that the thermostat can significantly increase your air conditioner’s energy efficiency? While we do tend to play around with the thermostat settings, maintaining it at optimum temperatures might help you save money on your next bill. Experts recommend that your home should be heated between 18-21 degrees Celcius during winter.

Control indoor humidity with your air conditioning system

Can humidity make a significant impact? The answer is yes! Even though it is often ignored, humidity is a huge factor in maintaining the right temperatures indoors. Maintaining optimum humidity is not easy as it depends on elements such as the season and personal requirements. Experts suggest that an ideal indoor humidity ranges from 30-50%. If you feel the temperature in your home is not exactly how you would like it to be, check on your humidity levels and adjust accordingly.

Did you know that humidity can be controlled through smart thermostats? Get in touch with Split Level to get your home or office installed with energy-efficient portable air conditioners, smart thermostats and air conditioners. Give us a call and speak to one of our experts today!

Avoid making drastic changes to room temperature can save you money

Maintaining your home or workspace with consistent temperature helps prevent drastic temperature changes. Abrupt temperature changes can result in high energy bills. While it may be tempting to turn your AC on blast during the hot summer months or switch the heat on high during winter, doing so may leave you with costly bills to pay.

Use the fan mode

Air conditioning can help you keep rooms at moderate temperatures, utilising other methods including airing your property regularly with open windows, fans and central heating of keeping your home cool or warn year round which could help to save money. Try using the ‘fan mode’ on your air conditioning unit when the weather is not extremely warm or cold. Remember that AC units can be used year round to heat and cool rooms, using the fan mode can be quite effective.

Air Conditioning Maintenance & Servicing

Since the outdoor unit is not usually in sight, we tend to neglect to look after it. It’s essential to do routine checks on the outer unit and keep your air conditioning system clean from any dirt and debris. Having your air conditioning unit maintained regularly will ensure that your system runs at its optimum ability, be sure to clean the outdoor compressor and keep it free of dust and leaves. The best way to keep the outdoor unit clean is to ensure you book annual or bi-annual services, depending on how often you use the system.

Selecting the correct air conditioning system for your requirements

Fitting your home with an air conditioning system that is the right size can help you save money on your energy bills. Why is it vital to ensure that your aircon is the right size? If you install a unit that is too small or too large for your space, it will use up more energy than needed. If it’s too small, it will need to run twice as hard to cool the room, while if it’s too large for the space, it will use up unnecessary energy. To ensure your system is appropriate for your requirements, always use a trusted air conditioning company to carry out the maintenance and installation. If you’re worried about your current system, you can always contact our local team of air conditioning engineers to carry out a no-obligation maintenance check and provide a quote for any required work that needs to be carried out.

So how to use your air conditioner economically? Follow these simple tips, and you will be spending less money on your energy bills in no time!