How to Reduce Noise From a Mobile Air-Conditioning Unit

How to Reduce Noise From a Mobile Air-Conditioning Unit

Air conditioning is almost a necessity in the summer, especially on those hot days. Air conditioners help to keep a room’s atmosphere relaxed and comfortable. At the moment, an increasing number of customers rely on mobile air conditioning units. Mobile air conditioning units, also known as portable air conditioning units, are helpful in various ways. However, it’s also a well-known fact that the noise produced by some mobile air conditioners can be irritating. That’s why we’re looking at how to reduce noise from a mobile air-conditioning unit. You can mute the noise of your portable air conditioner in the following ways:

How to Reduce Noise From a Mobile Air-Conditioning Unit? Purchase a Non-slip Vibration Pad

Non-slip vibration pads are primarily used to absorb vibration from electronic devices such as washing machines, speakers, and dishwashers, among other things. You can place the mobile air conditioning unit on a non-slip vibration mat. These non-slip mats absorb vibrations from running motors and contribute to a quieter environment. Also, you can place the mobile air conditioner on top of a large carpet. You will also have a much more silent room due to this. Did you know that Split Level Air Conditioning can professionally install mobile air conditioning units in UK? We’ve been installing air conditioners in London for over two decades.

Set Your Portable Air Conditioner to a Low Setting

By keeping your mobile air conditioner on the lowest setting, you can reduce the noise. Keeping your unit on the low setting will allow it to work much less demandingly to cool the area around it. This has two effects, the first of which is keeping the unit low will reduce the amount of noise it makes. The second effect is that the device will take longer to cool the room. However, if you don’t mind waiting a few minutes longer, you’ll notice a significant difference in the noise level coming from your device.

Buying a New Portable Air Conditioner

The older a mobile air conditioner becomes, the harder it has to work to cool a room. Aside from that, it will take significantly longer. There are significant differences between older and newer models. Also, keep in mind that technology is constantly evolving, and there are visible improvements in more recent models. Furthermore, newer models are much quieter than older models. Also, more recent models can cool down larger areas at a faster rate. Simply replacing your old unit with a newer one will significantly reduce the amount of noise you are experiencing. However, it comes at a cost because purchasing a newer unit is a significant investment.

To Summarise

Vibration is a significant source of noise generated by mobile air conditioners. This is because mobile air conditioners have a few moving parts. Moving parts such as the fan and compressor will rotate or vibrate, causing the entire unit to vibrate. Do you want to install a mobile AC unit for your home? Why not contact Split Level Air Conditioning for expert advice on mobile air conditioning units? We have a top team carrying out mobile air conditioning installations in London. In addition, we can handle air conditioning in Surrey, UK, and can be on-site for emergencies within 24 hours in most cases.